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Hairballs and cat

Hairballs and cats these two words go together, they are always together, when you have a cat or a kitty expect such a situation whereby your feline always swallows part of the hair strand in his body,  I just want you to know is part and parcel of them, it is their way of living. They always love to groom their self in the process of doing that may ingest some strand of the body hair which finds its way through the throat into the intestine the felines.  The main constituent that makes up the cat hair is known as keratin, this substance is responsible for the digestive condition of the hairballs in the stomach of the feline or cat this becomes a serious problem if the kitty is unable to cough it out or pass it out through tooling thus such condition is a serious health case that needs urgent attention. Most of the time when people hear of a hairball their initial thought is that of a round shape object right inside the stomach of the cat, that is not true it is a particle of hair t
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