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Cat vomiting


You won’t want to see your cat vomiting all around the house this is not good both for you and your pet in an unhygienic situation.

Though vomiting in some cases in cats is a normal thing, in a case whereby after eating your kitty vomits then goes about playing this is a normal condition, not all the cats that throw up mean that the pet is ill there is some condition that warrants such an action.

But then in a situation where your cat regularly vomits this calls for serious concern and the need to visit the vet to know what is the cause and resultant solution to that effect.

Causes of vomiting in cats

One of the common causes of such conditions in kitties could be symptoms or signs of illness in cats such as cancer, constipation, bowel blockage, intestinal disorder, and diabetes.

In a situation of this nature, it is advisable to see a vet doctor who will know the cause of the throw-up and administer the right treatment for the illness.

Hairballs often the times is the cause of why your cat is the queasiness mode.

Most cats love to lick the hair in their body as a means of grooming, in the process assimilate some of the hair particles which get stuck in the stomach, this can be prevented by feeding your kitty with hairball formula feed.

Just like humans, pregnant women do experience vomiting so also are female cats thus when they are expecting their own child queasy is sure to occur.

Diseases such as kidney problems, liver disease, toxins such as chemicals, and poisons are all components that can cause stomach unrest thus leading to vomiting.

Ways and natural remedies to cat vomiting;

Make sure your kitty does not eat plants, there is some dangerous and poisonous plant such as poinsettia which is harmful to human and cats as well.

Such plants should be removed from your compound if you notice them, when consumed by a cat can cause vomiting.

The use of natural herbs such as the Chamomile Tea is used for stomach trouble.

 Here is how to prepare the herb, one cup of boiled water is poured into the Chamomile Tea flower then leave for 15 minutes, dilute it's with an equal amount of water, then it should be given to the cat, note this herb is given to the pet 12 – 24 hour after he has been left off food.

Another quick home remedy is that you could withhold the feeding of the kitty for about five hours to see if vomiting will stop, then feed him.

You have to start by giving him a little amount of food and water at a time and see if he still vomiting, if not continue feeding him.

Also, you can feed him with a high-grade dieting meal such meal will contain lots of proteins, note that the type of cat food and the ingredients you use in the feeding must be noted on the label of the food pack.


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