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Cat grooming


Cat grooming is a runtime that must be carried out in intervals, it is very important for your cat to stay healthy and lively you need to take proper care of him, just like humans we need care and maintenance this should be done at least once in a month. 

If you do not know how to do it, there are many pet saloon that can help you out for a fee, though a little costly but it is advantageous to your kitty.

It helps in preventing fleas and hairs which the cat normally licks off his body all of this can result to allergies which the owner of this pet suffers from, you can over come such allergies by regular grooming of your cats.

Names of regular cat grooming tools and supplies

There are some cat grooming tools and supplies you can not do without you need them for proper grooming of your cat, 

Also, you might decide to buy these tools and do not know which one to buy, all of that will be addressed in this article.

Here are is a list of cat supplies you need for proper cleaning of your cat
1.      shampoos and conditioners
2.      comb
3.    litre box
4.      scrap tree
5.      coat brushes
6.      cotton balls
7.      nail cutter
8.      scissor
9.      ear cleaner

Coat Brushes and Combs:

You need this tool to help smoothen out your kitty’s hair fur should in case there is any sore or unwanted element under cover can easily be seen and get rid of. 

You can use a waterproof comb for cats with little fur while those with long hairs will need tiny toothed comb for a perfect job.

Shampoos and conditioners

For your cats to stay healthy you need to bath them with mild type shampoo and conditional this will help eliminate all kinds of infections that might be in their fur, 

Also keeping their hair clean will prevent fleas from patching in their body which lots of the time causes irritation to the cat. 

 When using the shampoo on your pet make sure you take proper care such that the solution do not get into the eyes or nose of the cat or damage their coats hence the more reason you should go for the mild type of hair conditional.

Ear cleaning and a cotton ball:

 This two items are very important for proper grooming of your cat, you need to clean up all kind of dirt’s in the kitty’s ear using the ear cleaner solution do not make use of the cotton swap since cats are very active it might injure him.

Benefits you get from grooming your cat

There are some much you stand to gain from grooming your pet in short you lose nothing, firstly, you are providing a healthy life for you cat thus if you cat is happy then you are happy too that can only be achieve if your cat is having a health life.

The grooming you give to your cat shows that you have great concern for them felins it gives you more opportunity to be around your pet. 

Your cat feel loved that is what most pet wants, though they cannot talk they demonstrate this by their behaviour hence they feel happy by being close to them always.



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