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Cat facts


There are lots of amazing facts you are not aware of about cats though you have owned a cat for a very long time, then you must be conversant with these facts as this will make you have more value and respect for them. 

Knowing these details about them will avail you the opportunity to explore all of their abilities and potential, there are lots of things you once thought your felines cannot do but with these facts in your hands you will know what they can do and how to make them (cats) do those things

List of amazing cats facts

Cats are one of the only domesticated animals that have ever lived on the earth's surface, their average life span is from 15 years to 20 years, but it is on record that cats have lived 39 years this is to show this creatures are uniquely made.

Though lots of people still argue that dogs are the most popular domestic animals but I have this to tell you cats are more popular pets than dogs

Another cat fact is that they have the capacity and ability to endure high temperatures, be it high cold or extremely hot temperatures which humans are unable to withstand.

 BUT cats can withstand such unfavourable temperatures thus they are one of the domestic animals that temperature does not affect them.

They have a great sense of hearing thus their ears are more sensitive than that of the humans

They have the capacity of hearing sounds of higher frequencies which humans cannot hear thus this makes it very possible for cats to detect the presence of mice even from afar off.

They have a poor sense of taste thus with the aid of their sense of smell they can know if the food is sweet or not.

Cats are social mammals just like the dogs they have their way of communicating with one another and can as well understand whatever the owner says

Cyprus was the first place in the world in which cats were first seen this happened about 10,000 years ago.

They are animals meant for the night they are not always seen during the day, thus they sleep most hours of the day within 16 – 20 hours of the day they use for sleeping.

Kitty love to be petted thus they are close to their owner always demanding attention from him

They can undergo neutering just the same as dogs and goats

They are reverend and most ancient cultures take them as their god while they die they are buried in tombs just the way humans are been buried

Another cat fact, they do not sweat no matter how hot the temperature might be.


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